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The Artists of Scottsdale Ranch are a local group of talented, regionally and internationally recognized artists that live in and around Scottsdale Ranch, a planned community located in north-central Scottsdale, Arizona. While they all work independently, they come together annually to display and sell their artistic endeavors in their home community. 


 At the beginning of the year, the artists host an art show, sale and Silent Auction. Participating 2025 artists will be donating one piece of their art and other gift cards or baskets. 100% of the proceeds are donated to HonorHealth's boutique-Tina’s Treasures Cancer Care Boutique. A very special shop featuring beautiful clothes, unique gift items, but most importantly, all necessary items needed by women after cancer surgery. Our silent auction check is used to help women unable to afford these necessities. Come visit our Silent Auction-February 15th, 2025 from 9:30 AM-4:00 PM. Help us raise a lot of money for this amazing boutique!


Featuring Acrylic, Oil, Pastel, Watercolor, Pen & Ink, Multimedia pieces, Jewelry, Ceramics, Glass art, Fiber art, Mosaic pots, Metal art, and Specialty items.


Artists from Scottsdale Ranch and its neighboring communities in Scottsdale, Arizona convene to showcase creative, one-of-a-kind and specialty artwork. 


The 2025 Annual Art Show & Sale is at the Scottsdale Ranch Community Center: 10585 N 100th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85258​. 

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About the Founder
Sharon Hillman Martin

Sharon Martin's love of art started as a child and at the age of 10 she attended Scholarship classes at the Art Institute of Chicago. She loved drawing and painting the female figure, but it was sculpture in clay and wax that became her passion. As a mother of three, she juggled raising her children and continued learning her craft at Suburban Fine Arts Center in Highland Park, IL.
September 2004 Sharon lost her daughter suddenly.  It was then that the Niki L. Martin Scholarship program began.  The Niki L Scholarship is awarded each year to a student at Nova Southeastern University Law School.  The scholarships are funded by gifts from family, friends and Niki's colleagues and the art of SHM.
After moving to Scottsdale, AZ Sharon's neighbors came over to her house and fell in love with her sculptures. They wanted to know if they were for sale. She sold three then more and that's when the idea of the Art Show was born. The proceeds she raised from the sale of her art could fund the scholarship--Niki was her biggest fan.
The year the Art Show started Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer. A fellow artist introduced Sharon to the Virginia G Piper Cancer Center which she toured and was in awe with what they were doing. She learned about the steps one needs to take to deal with breast cancer, finding the right surgeon and oncologist, and radiation and chemo or not. So many things she didn't know and were so very helpful. That's how the Silent Auction benefiting Virginia G Piper Cancer Center Outreach Programs was born.
We thank the amazing Sharon Martin for starting The Artist of Scottsdale Ranch Art Show showcasing talented and varied local artists. 
Also, creating the Silent Auction where 100% of the proceeds are given to support Outreach programs of Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center. Now we donate directly to Tina's Treasure's Cancer Care Boutique within VGPCC. The Artists participants in the show donate one piece of their art and one or more other items to help raise money for the Silent Auction. The money raised helps women not able to purchase needed items post surgery.
So many wonderful reasons why you should visit the Artists of Scottsdale Ranch yearly Art Show!

More to come!

Visit us often to see who is participating.

The Artists of Scottsdale Ranch are continuously adding new artists to our ranks. If you know an artist in Scottsdale Ranch or nearby that you think may be interested in joining, please contact us. 


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